Encouraging regular school attendance for your child is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success – both in school and in life. When you make school attendance a priority, you help your child achieve better grades, develop healthy life habits and have more options for future life goals!
Students who attend school regularly also feel more connected to their community, develop important social skills and friendships, and are significantly more likely to get better exam results, setting them up for a strong future. When children are absent, even if the absence is just for a few days and has been excused – it can have a negative impact.
As a parent, you can prepare your child for a lifetime of success by making regular school attendance a priority. You can help set your child on the path to success.
It is the duty of parents who have a child of compulsory school age to ensure their child receives efficient, full time education suitable to their age, aptitude, ability and to any special educational needs they may have. Such education may be provided by regular attendance at school.
Any student arriving after 9:15am will be marked as absent and this will count towards their unauthorised absence total.
If a child or young person who is registered at a school does not attend regularly, a parent can receive a fine of £60 (per parent), which rises to £120 each if this is not paid within 21 days.
If the fine still goes unpaid, you could get a fine of up to £2500, a community order or a jail sentence of up to 3 months. The court also gives you a Parenting Order.
Further information can be found: www.gov.uk/school-attendance-absence
So…. how parents can help –
If you require any support or guidance with attendance issues, please contact Chris Green on cgreen@lynghallschool.co.uk